Monday, June 29, 2009

The story of the Hummingbird

We usually open our front and back door in the morning ... fresh air! A few days ago a hummingbird flew into our den and was frantic to get out. He kept flying into the front window thinking he could escape, so Chris closed the curtains ... then he hovered close the ceiling. We thought we could guide him out but he kept darting at our heads, so I put a bowl of sugar water down on the floor by the door in hopes that he would go straight out the front door. This lasted about an hour and a half, when finally he flew down to the sugar water and straight into the kitchen window ... drats!! I waited until he was exhausted and put a big bowl over him and scooped cardboard under and carried him outside thinking he would just fly away ... well, he didn't. Tiffany and I shaded him and tried to feed him some sugar water ... we thought he might be dehydrated from flying for 2 hours. We sat with him for some time and then he tried flying, but would only get about 2 feet away. Eventually he made it over to the grass in the shade. Tiffany needed to get to her camp, so we went inside to get ready. We were keeping our eye on the hummingbird in the grass when we noticed a big bird (looked like a giant robin) pouncing around by the hummingbird. Tiffany and I ran out to check the hummingbird and found him dead ... the big bird had killed him! Tiffany burst into tears and we found a nice resting place for the poor little guy. And that's the story of the hummingbird!

1 comment:

DeAnne said...

Oh my gosh! What a mean Robin! How sad. Poor Tiffany :(